Submitting Accounts
MineSkin works by uploading skin images to Minecraft accounts to obtain a valid skin signature.
You can submit your own accounts to MineSkin to help speed up skin generation for all users.
To add your Minecraft account, simply visit and log in with your Microsoft credentials. Then, you’ll have the option to submit your account.
By submitting your account, you allow MineSkin to periodically change your skin.
Please ensure you're comfortable with this before adding your account, or enable the setting to automatically restore your original skin between generations.
If you want to manually change the skin of an account you’ve submitted, please disable it for MineSkin first to avoid conflicts in skin textures.
Account Settings
Restore Original Textures
Enable this option to automatically restore your original skin (and cape) after MineSkin has used your account to generate a skin.
This can be useful if you want to support MineSkin while keeping your original skin when playing Minecraft or avoiding third-party services tracking your skin changes.
However, enabling this setting requires MineSkin to make additional requests to Mojang’s servers to revert your skin, so please only enable it if necessary.
It may not be 100% reliable—there will be a brief period of a few seconds where your skin is different. If you join a server during that time, the generated skin may be visible.
If auto-restore fails for any reason, or if you haven’t enabled it, you can manually restore your original textures in the section below. You can also set the currently applied skin as the new original (e.g., if you change your skin).
Allowed Capes
Here, you can allow MineSkin to use capes available on your account to generate skin data.
This is completely optional—you can deselect all capes, and MineSkin won’t use your account for capes.
Please note that cape generation is currently in beta and may not be available to all users.
Disable / Delete Account
You can disable your account to pause it, preventing MineSkin from using it to generate skins or capes.
You should only delete your account if you're certain you never want MineSkin to use it again.
Accounts earn rewards for generated skins, and deleting your account will make it ineligible to receive those rewards.